chat-i18n is a js cli command to translate locale messages from one language to another.
Currently, supported providers:
- Deekseeker
bun i chat-i18n
First, put chat-i18n.toml file in your project root directory.
This is an example
# the locale message directory in your project
dir = "locales"
source = "en"
# The name of the provider you are using. Currently, only "deekseek" is supported.
name = "deekseek"
# Your Deekseeker API key
api_key = "sk-**"
Locale message files: <any_locale_messages_dir>/<locale>.json
- Only support json format locale messages.
- For incremental translation, we use git diff and json diff.
Second, edit and save your locale messages file, do not commit it to git.
Then, run the bunx chat-i18n
command in your terminal to finish the translation.